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Thank You Sponsors!

Because of you, Colorado students have the opportunity to explore careers in natural resource conservation, develop leadership skills, and build strong connections between communities across the state.


Colorado's local conservation districts are together the largest supports of Camp Rocky, and provide scholarships for the majority of our participants every year. Please see our list of supporting districts

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Become A Sponsor

By becoming a Camp Rocky Sponsor, not only will you support the development of future conservation leaders from around Colorado, but also make your organization known as a supporter of the principles of resource conservation.

Presenting Sponsors support the growth of the Camp Rocky program, allowing greater participation by students from around Colorado and facilitating involvement from special guest speakers, hands-on career demonstrations, and expert staff from the agriculture and conservation sectors.


  • Recognition as a presenting sponsor on all camp materials and camper t-shirts

  • Prominant recognition on Camp website and social media

  • Recognition throughout the following year on social media

  • Custom sponsor recognition plaque

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Gold Sponsor

  • Recognition as a gold sponsor on all camp materials and camper t-shirts

  • Recognition on Camp website and social media

  • Recognition throughout the following year on social media

  • Custom sponsor recognition plaque

T-Shirt Sponsor

$ 1,500

Our campers are a team, and should look the part! The T-Shirt Sponsor will support our annual camp T-shirt and will be prominently featured on the shirt itself, as well as in camp materials


Cabin Sponsor

Did you know that camper registration fees are subsidized? As a Cabin Sponsor, you will support the additional costs of cabin accomodations, meals, and other expenses we have to fundraise for to make Camp Rocky happen

Evening Program Sponsor

Sponsor one of our educational and entertaining evening programs! Your sponsorship will offset the cost of travel, speakership fees, and materials for a natural resources industry expert from around Colorado.

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Camper Sponsor

Curate a Conservation Champion!

Your sponsorship will provide a scholarship for a student from within Colorado to attend Camp Rocky at no cost.

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